Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beginning of a Rescue

Today, I went for a walk. It wasn't just any walk. It was a "Walk from Obesity" One might say "So you went for a walk. Big deal." Two years ago I would not have been able to do this walk. Two years ago I was so overweight that I could barely walk, barely breath, barely do anything. I was desperate. I was facing death and I was not ready to die. I was desperate and I needed to be rescued. I beggged and pleaded with God to rescue me. Little did I know that my prayers would be answered in a "Big" way. A way that one knows only God could have done this. Two years ago this is what I looked like 3 hours before Bariatric Surgery.
Today just before the "Walk from Obesity", this is what I looked like. What a change my life has been since I have been "Rescued from Obesity" In future posts I will tell more about my story and the changes my life has gone through. So, please stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. You need to be proud. You chose to save your life. And now you want to help others save their lives. Your obesity was a real medical condition that took away your dignity and was threatening your life. No more. Yours is a story of courage, faith,overcoming huge obstacles and success.
    Thank you for sharing not just your story, but everyone like you who chooses to change their life and leave suffering behind.
